Full of Sleep Hollow

The road I travel is padded by autumn leaves on a brisk cool morning. It is not bright outside, it’s still dark. I travel alone with no interruption but the world passing behind me in the distance. Orange glimmers through the trees and splashes on every individual brick. The fog intensifies the robust color. Heartbeat, my feet, and far away cars are floating on the very light breeze. I could walk here forever, but do I want too? Should I reach the end? “Maybe it’s better if I just stay here,” as I tread on. The orange light has a studder and the fog clears. The road is now visible, I know my path. Strangely enough, I’m not excited to know what’s coming. I enjoy being blind to the world like a kid.

“Isn’t it kinda funny, isn’t it kinda sad? The dreams in which I’m dying, are the best I’ve ever had.”


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Posted by on October 31, 2011 in Uncategorized


Interview with a fan of a fan

Interview with Cole Morton about Ocean Architecture

by: Cole Morton

(Cole)- Cole, when you first heard the name Ocean Architecture what came to mind?

(Cole)- I thought of buildings in water. Like rusty oil rigs and flooded houses.

(Cole)- Interesting…Did that perspective change after you heard them. What were the new images in your head?

(Cole)- I now think of large buildings crumbling into the deep abyss. Imagery similar to Inception.

(Cole)- What do you think about this upcoming band?

(Cole)- Well, Cole, I’d have to say I was skeptical about their music…..until I heard it. This isn’t some band made up of punks looking to take down society, scene kids hating the world, or some dumb headbangers that worship breakdowns, these guys are musicians.

(Cole)- Ah I see, now, what about their style? What is so unique?

(Cole)- First off, they are all talented in their own ways. They are making art. An art that some do not appreciate, but everyone needs to actually stop what they are doing and pay attention to these guys. Parker is just a mad vocalist, so versatile. Kyle(Rufus) can just shred on guitar, so much potential in the kid, Eric keeps the band going like a heart beat, a huge piece to their success, Nic is absolutely sick, he strives to be the best. Finally, Joe is a master of the keyboard, he is the glue to the band.

(Cole)- Can you tell me about their origin and fan support?

(Cole)- They started in the dorm we all lived in. We had a name, and that was the Lyon Crew(the dorm we lived in). They had the idea to start a band, and they started off hot and fast. They had a few bumps in the road, while they had to replace the former lead singer Cedric. They acquired Parker, and then OA just took off exponentially. Their fan support comes from where they started, the Lyon Crew family. We will always be behind them in their journey. They also have support from other friends and bands that they’ve met on their adventure.

(Cole)- Okay, Cole, well that about wraps it up. Tell me one last thing. Why should I go to an OA concert?

(Cole)- I mean if you’re not a fan of originality and art, than don’t come. Don’t pretend to enjoy it. These guys are getting big, they could be the next big band to come out of Murfreesboro. The sky is the limit. If you are ready to hear some heart-stopping breakdowns, brain-melting riffs, brilliant lyrics, and some out-of-this-world keyboarding than get your fucking ticket now. Thanks for having me Cole.

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Posted by on October 20, 2011 in Uncategorized


The Black Dahlia Murder?

So, I’m abroad right now in a very similar country but strikingly different. Oxymoron? Maybe. However, no one will know what I’m talking about unless they’ve been there. That country is Germany. I’m here for a student exchange program, and now hell is about to break loose.

I met some very nice people since I’ve been here. More recently than the first few days. I met up with some of the American students. They invited me out to a new dance club that just opened up (they’ve been there for a month, so they know the night life very well). So, I decided to tag along and meet some new people because, hey, that’s what it is about, right? Well…they happened to pick a Gothrock/ElectroBody/Industrial club, not to familiar with that are you? Neither am I.

Let me explain to you. I’m a nice person, open-minded, well-behaved(unless there is liquor involved), and just a down-to-earth guy. I’m not trying to toot my own horn, I’m just giving everyone a description from people’s opinions. I am not one style, I have many, I do not dress a certain way. However…I don’t dress Goth, neither do I hang out with any(not because I don’t like them, I just don’t know any.)

Well, I had a few beers and we started dancing. I love to dance. We were just minding our own business when they were like you should go dance with those guys. These guys were doing a Goth dance? They would do a drunk-looking swagger back and forth. So I did that, but I put style because it was an upbeat song. This apparently didn’t sit well with this chick.

I noticed he bumped into me with his elbow, and I was kinda finished dancing crazy. He did it again. Accident? Maybe. Again? Yeah, he doesn’t know who he is f***ing with. So I gave him a elbow or two. Then I started dancing crazy because it’s apparently what they don’t like. She comes up to me and pushes me, but prances away because, she doesn’t want none :D. I give a smile, and start dancing looking at them with my big grin. They don’t want none.

After that was done with, I danced a few more songs and I decided to go outside for a breath of fresh air. It was very nice, but it’s time to go back inside. Once, inside, the girls wanted me to keep dancing. So, I did. When all of a sudden these hands were on my waist(which I thought it was my friend). It was some Goth girl in a Catholic school girl skirt grinding on me. I went a long with it because I can booty dance. Don’t judge me :D. Then I decided to get behind her, because that’s the more appropriate position. She decide just to dance face to face, which she was feeling on my body. Then she started making out with me. Why not? She looked okay an inch away. Then she put her hands in my pants >.>…I don’t mind haha. Then started kissing some more…song was done…she walked away. Apparently, to my friends, she didn’t look that great xD

I went back to my friends and danced some more.


Interesting night.

“Say hello to my little friend”


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Posted by on October 12, 2011 in Uncategorized


Would you like Bittersweet in your Tea of Life?

A few years back, I had a thing for this girl. This absolutely beautiful girl. Her features were merely just eloquently brushed on by the paint strokes of God. She was a masterpiece. I had it bad for her…and I mean bad. I had a quest for love which was nothing short of romantic. If you would have looked up the word Romantic, you would have found my name under it.

So, needless to say I was rejected…time after time. Eventually, I realized there was no hope and I needed to move on. I did just that. After my scars healed, I became very good friends with her. Everything was normal, no feelings…except a small lingering one that was burrowed away in my soul. I could sense the same.

Years have past and we have kept in touch ever so often. Every time we saw each other, a vibe was floating around. It wasn’t a sexual or awkward. It was a vibe of something that we couldn’t explain.

What happened is…I was too late. I was told too late. I was told the things I always wanted to hear. To hear those words, it came with sincerity but the sincerity burned my almost completed bridge to the end. I saw her waiving at the end of the bridge as I was laying my last brick but she said, “I’d never want to change you.” The bridge fell and crashed into the rushing waves of the blue abyss. I looked up through the restless water at the silhouette of beauty at the end. I reach forth. I blink my eyes, and the silhouette is no more. Only the bright yellow sun stalks me. I never got to say, “I’ve already changed before I knew.”

“Woman of my dreams. I don’t sleep, so I can’t find her.”


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Posted by on September 14, 2011 in Uncategorized


The Maiden Voyage of The Gooch

We were young, we were stupid, we were brave, we didn’t have anything better to do.

Sundance was up early one morning trying to roll down a hill with a skateboard the wrong way to do…well…whatever he wanted to do. Now, the whole Hole-in-the-wall Gang was there that night for a classic get together. This morning we were adventurous and we decided to join him. Which led to the idea of “Why don’t we build a downhill cart?”

So, let me stress this out to you. None of us, I mean, none of us, knew anything about building things or how to use tools. However, for two whole weeks or so, everyone would meet up at Sundance’s house and we used anything we could find. Old wood, stole some nails from Lowes, bicycle tires, old tools, etc. It was funny to see all of us working together to make….to make…a..a..uhh….MONSTAA.

The Gooch was created.

Humanity has no hope.

We decided to test it down this hill at another member’s house. When we arrived with the trailer containing the Gooch on that brisk cool morning. Touch ups needed to be done. Preparations must be completed. We fixed it as much as we could, and broke a hammer in the process. Time to board the madness.

Four people.

Four bicycle tires.

We fit three people on, now…it’s the driver that must get into position. Sundance was the driver, because he put the most work into it and he was crazy enough to do it.

He sits.

Steering column snaps.

A bunch of us laughed, a few remained silent because we put so much work into it and now it’s pretty much over. Everything we tried, nothing seemed to work.

*********************R.I.P. THE GOOCH************************************


Equipped with two razor scooters as the steering wheel, and skateboard for the rear. We decided to test the treacherous hill. We push off!

Going so slow.

Then…we make the turn.

We’re going really damn fast…my god.

We were filled with adrenaline, fear, and amazement. We were speeding down the hill and then we thought.

How are we going to stop?

We make it almost all the way to the end of the hill. We start going left, and…


We crash.

We are crazed with amazed commotion and we laugh. The two people wearing helmets, hit their head, and the two that didn’t have helmets, were okay. Funniest thing that has happened in forever and it came in an ugly fashion.

We did it.

If you don’t believe me, we have the video on youtube. If you comment on this, I will post it for everyone.

“Friends forever”



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Posted by on September 1, 2011 in Uncategorized


Supersize this!

The whole world is getting faster in everything like cars, food, technology, internet, etc. Americans are a great contributor to the fast lifestyle. I’m here to talk about one in particular. The Fast Food Lifestyle!

I work at a southern fast food restaurant chain here in the “Bible Belt.” Now, I started there when I was sixteen to make some cash. I stuck with the job all the way to college. Now, I only work there on my breaks to save money to help with school. I’ve always said that everyone should work fast food to know what it is like.

For some odd reason, people believe that fast food workers have no souls, they do not actually exist besides at the restaurant. We have no feelings either apparently, and it is the low-end employee’s fault for every thing that goes wrong. We apparently control the price of food and the procedures of doing things.

Most of the elderly are nice retired hard-working Americans. Then there are some who see it their way and not the company’s policy. The regulars are easy-going customers, but then there are some that expect you to know exactly how they like it.

Everyone has had a bad experience with fast food (if you eat it). Patience is key. I mean, there are situations that aren’t acceptable and you should complain. Why be rude to the people who you think, are nasty-spit-in-your-food people, make your food? We should bow down to the middle class working world because it’s not a “real job.” The employees that work there must be stupid and high school dropouts. We’re just damned fast food employees, I guess. “Don’t judge a book by its cover.”

P.S. We hear everything you say in the drive thru, and we’re laughing.



Posted by on August 30, 2011 in Uncategorized


The Best Friend Departure

Soon my friend departs, it will be quite a test, the strength of our friendship will be stretched,                    across an ocean to a foreign land. Who knows what changes occur in one year, at our age,                           at the ages of just finding out who you truly are and will be, the mental stability that comes with adulthood.        The anguish that I will feel will most likely be mutual, but he must do this, for this is the lesser of two evils,      to go and expand his horizons, to learn, to enjoy, and to experience. These are natural desires that are repressed by many, but not my friend. He is a brave, strong person, who in the end will be remembered more than most. Yes I will miss my friend, Cole, but when he comes home, the joyous celebrations will commence. For I believe that although it will be tough on a friendship to be apart for a year, we have the bond of brothers, and this is for a lifetime, no matter where you go, nor how long, you’re stuck with me forever.

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Posted by on August 23, 2011 in Uncategorized


Brothers in the Sky with Diamonds

Time is fleeting just two more hits

Walking fast to explore this

Pushing forward to the world unknown

As if our destinies were already shown

Must go on can’t look back

Can’t see anything in our path

Purple explodes and clouds appear

We just need someone real here

Hello Strawberry Fields Forever

Our cigarettes ash never

We’re in the den with our brothers

The world under us just hovers

The Blue Stain on the floor

This isn’t my room anymore

Our bonds will never lack

Heaven to Hell and back


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Posted by on August 21, 2011 in Uncategorized


Stylin’ and Profilin’

One day, I clocked in at work and went to my prepared station. It was a normal day, the day before the Fourth of July weekend. This heavy-set jolly African-American lady was working the same station as me. She actually trained me a year or two ago when I first started. That day she seemed kinda gloomy.

Now, being the person that I am, I try to converse and make her laugh. She speaks but doesn’t say too much. I ask her what she is planning on doing for the weekend coming up. She tells me that her husband just left her and that she will be alone. At first, I didn’t know what to say. Hell, I’m young man with no serious relationship and she was a middle-aged woman who was in love. So I tell her this.

“You’re gonna go out, buy you some shoes and a little black dress. We’re going to go to his work and make a ‘walk’ around the store. We are going to make him jealous and let him see the mistake he has made.”

From then on out, she’ always comes in work and her face lights up and she tells me about her new self-confidence and that we are going to take that “walk” soon.

“You’ve got a friend in me.”


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Posted by on August 21, 2011 in Uncategorized


Frenchmen play football?

I woke up this morning with a text message which is unusual nowadays. It was from Sundance, that dated 8/20 at 3:03 a.m. Now, this usually wouldn’t surprise me; however, Sundance is not the type of person to be awake past one or two o’clock.

Before I opened it, I guessed it would be some crazy thoughts he had to put down on a message so that he could recall his exact thoughts later. When I opened it I was stunned, his exact words read, “This french girl aszked me to spend the night and then cokc block by frebchman.” I couldn’t help but grow a grin and chuckle a little bit. Why? It’s because he has the same luck as me. In the end, I felt bad for him, and I hope he gets to stay the night with a French girl that has a cute accent. “What we have here is…failure to communicate.”



Posted by on August 20, 2011 in Uncategorized